Kaihang Ji (季凯航)
Ph.D. Student
Department of Computer Science
National University of Singapore
Email: kaihang@comp.nus.edu.sg
Address: 11 Research Link, Singapore 119391
Lab: COM3-02-18
About Me
Hi, I am Kaihang Ji, a final year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the National University of Singapore, advised by Zhenkai Liang. I received my B.Sc degree in Computer Science at the Peking University in 2018.
My research interests lie in the interactions of system security. Specifically, I am working on binary analysis and audit log analysis.
Selected Publications
[USENIX Security 2022] FlowMatrix: GPU-Assisted Information-Flow Analysis through Matrix-Based Representation
- Kaihang Ji, Jun Zeng, Yuancheng Jiang, Zhenkai Liang, Zheng Leong Chua, Prateek Saxena, and Abhik Roychoudhury.
In Proceedings of the 31st USENIX Security Symposium [Acceptance Rate: 18.1%]
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Presentation |
[ISSTA 2022] Tell: Log Level Suggestions via Modeling Multi-level Code Block Information.
- Jiahao Liu, Jun Zeng, Xiang Wang, Kaihang Ji, and Zhenkai Liang.
In Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis [Acceptance Rate: 24.4%]
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[NDSS 2021] WATSON: Abstracting Behaviors from Audit logs via Aggregation of Contextual Semantics
- Jun Zeng, Zheng Leong Chua, Yinfang Chen, Kaihang Ji, Zhenkai Liang, and Jian Mao.
In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium [Acceptance Rate: 15.2%]
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Work Experience
- Research Intern [Jun. - Aug. 2017]
   - National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
- Research Intern [Feb. - Mar. 2016]
   - System and Network Center of Shanghai Library, Shanghai, China
Teaching Assistant
- CS4238 Practice in System Security with Zhenkai Liang and Sufatrio
   - Semester 2, 2020
   - Semester 1, 2020
   - Semester 2, 2019
   - Semester 2, 2018
- CS5331 Web Security with Zhenkai Liang and Sufatrio
   - Semester 1, 2019
   - Semester 1, 2018
- TIC2301 Introduction to Information Security
with Zhenkai Liang and Sufatrio
   - Semester 2, 2019
   - Semester 1, 2019